This page will be updated soon with details and behind-the-scenes stories for each track on the album.
In the meantime, find lyrics and sheet music links below!

Words: Chris Anderson
Music: Bob Kauflin
© 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI), Church Works Worship (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
We will trust God’s Word alone,
Where his perfect will is known;
Our traditions shift like sand
While his Truth forever stands.
We will live by faith alone,
Clothed in merit not our own;
All we claim is Jesus Christ
And his finished sacrifice.
Glory be, glory be to God alone,
Through the church he redeemed and made his own.
He has freed us, he will keep us till we’re safely home
Glory be, glory be to God alone!
Verse 2:
We are saved by grace alone—
Undeserved, yet freely shown;
No accomplishment on earth
Can achieve the second birth.
We will stand on Christ alone,
The unyielding Cornerstone;
Nations rage and devils roar,
Still he reigns forevermore!
He has freed us, he will keep us till we’re safely home
Glory be, glory be to God alone!
Glory be, glory be to God alone!
Words & Music: Paul Keew
© 2009 Watchsong (ASCAP) (adm at
Shout, shout out for joy to God all the earth!
Sing, sing out the glory of His name!
Say, say unto God, “How awesome Your deeds!”
Give, give to the Lord His glorious praise!
Verse 1:
O come, come and see how the name of the Lord is revered.
All the earth is alive with a worshipful song!
O come to the cross, and be free of rebellion and pride.
O come and rejoice evermore in all God has done!
Verse 2:
So great is His pow’r that His enemies crumble and fall.
Forever He reigns and He rules by His might!
His eyes are ablaze, keeping watch on the nations of men.
All the kings of the earth do His bidding and all His delight!
I will bless You, O God, when You lovingly test and refine.
Though I walk through the fire I will offer You praise!
You will shepherd my soul to a place of abundance and rest.
I will come to Your house and an offering of thankfulness raise!
Verse 3:
O come, come and hear, all who fear God and call on His name,
How I cried to the Lord, and He answered my prayer!
Had I cherished my sin, all my words would be empty and vain.
Bless the Lord, for His mercy and faithfulness crown all our days!
Outro vocals:
Shout out for joy all of the earth;
Sing out the glory of His name.
Say unto God His awesome deeds;
Give to the Lord His glorious praise.
Shout out for joy!
Words: Chris Anderson
Music: Greg Habegger
© 2008 Church Works Worship (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
His robes for mine: O wonderful exchange!
Clothed in my sin, Christ suffered ‘neath God’s rage.
Draped in His righteousness, I’m justified.
In Christ I live, for in my place He died.
Verse 2:
His robes for mine: what cause have I for dread?
God’s daunting Law Christ mastered in my stead.
Faultless I stand with righteous works not mine,
Saved by my Lord’s vicarious death and life.
I cling to Christ, and marvel at the cost:
Jesus forsaken, God estranged from God.
Bought by such love, my life is not my own.
My praise—my all—shall be for Christ alone.
Verse 3:
His robes for mine: God’s justice is appeased.
Jesus is crushed, and thus the Father’s pleased.
Christ drank God’s wrath on sin, then cried, “’Tis done!”
Sin’s wage is paid; propitiation won.
Verse 4:
His robes for mine: such anguish none can know.
Christ, God’s beloved, condemned as though His foe.
He, as though I, accursed and left alone;
I, as though He, embraced and welcomed home!
Bought by such love, my life is not my own.
My praise—my all—shall be for Christ alone.
Words: Chris Anderson
Music: Greg Habegger
© 2013 Church Works Worship (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
Nothing I’ve done could merit God’s grace;
Nothing I’ll do can take it away.
I have one hope, in life and death:
I have been clothed in Christ’s righteousness.
Verse 2:
Nothing remains since Jesus has died;
Justice was paid; the Judge satisfied.
Great is my sin; greater His love;
I have been cleansed with Calvary’s blood!
Christ is sufficient! His work is finished!
He is my faith’s Author and End;
Christ is enough—my Savior and Friend!
Verse 3:
Nothing I’ve sought on earth satisfies;
I was designed to thirst after Christ.
Beckoned by Him, “Drink and be filled.”
I am content, yet yearn for Him still.
Verse 4:
Nothing but Christ can undo the Fall.
He will return to reign over all.
Come to us, Lord; right ev’ry wrong;
Soon the redeemed will join heaven’s song.
Christ is enough—my Savior and Friend!
Words: Chris Anderson
Music: Greg Habegger
© 2019 Church Works Worship (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
You promised, Lord, that You would work
To build a strong and vibrant church—
A church that stands by grace alone
On Christ, our Rock and Cornerstone;
On Christ, our Rock and Cornerstone.
And so we pray: Lord, build Your church!
Deploy Your saints across the earth;
Destroy hell’s feeble, falling gates;
And glory in Your church’s praise;
And glory in Your church’s praise!
Verse 2:
You called us, Lord, to join Your work:
To raise a pure and holy church—
A temple made of living stones
United as Your Spirit’s home;
United as Your Spirit’s home.
And so we pray:
“Deploy Your saints!
Destroy hell’s gates!
We’ll give You praise!”
Verse 3:
We thank You, Lord, that You have worked
To found a gospel-preaching church—
And yet, our task remains undone;
Lord, build Your church until You come;
Lord, build Your church until You come!
(Until You come!)
Outro vocals:
Until You come, until You come!
Words: Chris Anderson
Music: Greg Habegger
© 2010 Church Works Worship (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
I run to Christ when chased by fear
And find a refuge sure.
“Believe in me,” His voice I hear;
His words and wounds secure.
I run to Christ when torn by grief
And find abundant peace.
“I too had tears,” He gently speaks;
Thus joy and sorrow meet.
Verse 2:
I run to Christ when worn by life
And find my soul refreshed.
“Come unto Me,” He calls through strife;
Fatigue gives way to rest.
I run to Christ when vexed by hell
And find a mighty arm.
“The Devil flees,” the Scriptures tell;
He roars, but cannot harm.
When my soul is overrun,
When my spirit is undone,
When by darkness I’m oppressed,
In the wilderness distressed,
When I stumble in the dust,
When my sight of You is lost,
I will run to seek Your face,
And I’ll taste amazing grace.
Echo vocals on Bridge:
I run to You!
Verse 3:
I run to Christ when stalked by sin
And find a sure escape.
“Deliver me,” I cry to Him;
Temptation yields to grace.
I run to Christ when plagued by shame
And find my one defense.
“I bore God’s wrath,” He pleads my case—
My Advocate and Friend,
My Advocate and Friend,
My Advocate and Friend.
Outro vocals:
When my soul is overrun,
When my spirit is undone,
I run to You!
I will run to seek Your face,
And I’ll taste amazing grace.
I run to You!
Words: Chris Anderson
Music: Rebekah Holden
© 2015 Church Works Worship (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
The Father looks on me and sees
Not what I was or am;
He views the righteousness of Christ,
And not my cursèd sin.
The Father looks and pities me;
He knows that I am dust.
He treats me not as I deserve,
But as though I were just.
Verse 2:
The Father looks on me and gives
A loaf and not a stone.
He showers me with perfect gifts,
For all my needs are known.
The Father looks on me with love—
A child He’s welcomed home.
He found an orphan, poor and soiled,
Yet claimed me as His own.
Verse 3:
The Father looks for me with hope,
For me, His wayward son.
I stand afar, detained by shame;
He cries for joy and runs!
The Father looks on me and smiles,
For it is Christ He sees;
“This is my own belovèd son,
In whom I am well pleased.”
The Father looks on me and smiles,
For it is Christ He sees;
“This is my own belovèd son,
In whom I am well pleased.”
Words: Joe Tyrpak
Music: Samuel Wesley (AURELIA)
© 2009 Church Works Worship (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
God is our strength and refuge, a helper ever near.
While resting in His shelter, no evil will we fear—
Not if the mountains crumble into the angry sea,
Nor if the surging ocean exceeds its boundary.
Verse 2:
A quiet stream refreshes the city of our God;
His throne stands unaffected while kingdoms rise and fall.
One word from Jacob’s Savior will melt the raging throng.
The Lord of Hosts is with us; He is our fortress strong.
Verse 3:
Behold God’s glorious power: He makes all warfare cease.
Each weapon He will shatter; the world will be at peace.
“Be still!” cries Heaven’s Sovereign, “Be still, for I am God!
All kingdoms—all creation—will bow beneath my rod.”
Verse 4:
The violent sea turned placid when Jesus cried, “Be still!”
Fears gone, twelve men stood gasping when waves obeyed His will.
And soon the same voice speaking will calm earth’s rebel storm.
This Lord of hosts is with us both now and evermore!
And soon the same voice speaking will calm earth’s rebel storm.
This Lord of hosts is with us both now and evermore!
Words: Chris Anderson
Music: Greg Habegger
© 2013 Church Works Worship (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
I am with you, says the Father;
Through the floods, I calm and keep.
Though the swelling waves surround you,
I surround the waters deep.
Fear not, loved one; feel My presence.
You will never be alone.
Trust me, loved one; you are precious.
You are Mine—My very own.
Verse 2:
I am with you, says the Savior,
Even to the age’s end.
Never leaving, nor forsaking,
I’m your ever-present Friend.
Fear not, loved one; hear My comfort:
None can pluck you from My hand.
Trust me, loved one; I am constant:
None can change what I have planned.
Verse 3:
I am with you, says the Spirit,
There is nowhere you can flee.
Neither height nor depth can hide you;
Every place is home to Me.
Fear not, loved one; hear My witness:
You are God’s own child and heir.
Trust me, loved one; hear My whisper:
Deep within you, I am here.
Verse 4:
Come be with Me, says the Master,
Greeting hopeful, homesick eyes.
I was with you in your journey;
Be with Me in paradise.
Fear not, loved one; know My promise:
I will surely, quickly come.
Trust me, loved one; know My purpose:
I will bring you safely home.
Words: Chris Anderson
Music: Greg Habegger
© 2008 Church Works Worship (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
My Jesus, fair, was pierced by thorns,
By thorns grown from the fall.
Thus He who gave the curse was torn
To end that curse for all.
Verse 2:
My Jesus, meek, was scorned by men,
By men in blasphemy.
“Father, forgive their senseless sin!”
He prayed, for them, for me.
O love divine, O matchless grace—
That God should die for men!
With joyful grief I lift my praise,
Abhorring all my sin,
Adoring only Him.
Verse 3:
My Jesus, kind, was torn by nails,
By nails of cruel men.
And to His cross, as grace prevailed,
God pinned my wretched sin.
Verse 4:
My Jesus, pure, was crushed by God,
By God, in judgment just.
The Father grieved, yet turned His rod
On Christ, made sin for us.
Verse 5:
My Jesus, strong, shall come to reign,
To reign in majesty—
The Lamb arose, and death is slain.
Lord, come in victory!
Words: Paul Keew & Brian Pinner
Music: Paul Keew
© 2008 Watchsong (ASCAP) (adm at
Verse 1:
O God, my joy, You reign above
In radiant splendor and beauty.
Your Word has drawn my heart to love
The awesome sight of Your glory.
Your blazing light and gospel grace
Shine brightly from my Savior’s face.
No other wonder would I see
Than Christ enthroned in His glory!
Verse 2:
Sustained by joy in trial and pain,
I trust Your wisdom and mercy.
Through suff’ring that Your love ordains,
More like Your Son You will make me.
For Christ embraced the cross of shame,
Beholding glorious joys to come.
O give me faith like His to see
That suff’ring lifts me to glory!
All my life, all my love, all my joy,
All for your glory!
All my heart, all my soul, all my mind,
All for your glory!
All my strength, all my days, all my praise,
All for your glory!
Verse 3:
Compelled by joy, I fight the sin
That turns my gaze from Your glory.
Your Holy Spirit dwells within;
His presence arms me for vict’ry.
Let death and hell against me rise;
Through death I’ll gain eternal joys.
All pow’rs of hell will bend the knee
Before my great King of Glory!
Let death and hell against me rise;
Through death I’ll gain eternal joys.
All pow’rs of hell will bend the knee
Before my great King of Glory!
Outro vocals:
All my life, all my love, all my joy,
All for your glory!
Sheet Music
We have FREE congregational music downloads for every song on the album.
Some tracks also have album arrangements available for purchase, with more coming in early 2024!